A message from our Founder

jim dargue
Hello, I’m Jim Dargue, founder of Distinctive Title. For the past 20 years I have been in the title industry serving homeowners, lenders, and realtors with regards to their title needs.
As the real estate landscape continues to evolve, I remain driven to align the services we provide with the technology available to create a distinctive closing experience. The technology offered today, compared to even just a few years ago has changed significantly. As a partner in many technology-driven focus groups, I performed user acceptance testing and process improvement during the beta phases of eSigning and eRecording technologies; title tech that will become the secure and convenient way to close for the future. Staying in front of our industry changes is key and we leverage our passion for technology to allow more time for customer service and attention to detail.
Distinctive Title has an established relationship with an industry recognized electronic notary firm and has conducted full eSigning closing using this electronic notary service. As the industry continues to shift Distinctive Title will be at the front of the changes, and one day soon, we will be offering closing services worldwide.